CDP – Customer data platform

CDP – Customer data platform

Is now the time to build your CDP? CDP – Customer Data Platform You’re probably familiar with the current ‘War’ on Data Ownership and Data Sharing policies that Apple and Facebook have currently engaged in.  Tighter data privacy regulations are limiting the ways...
Team – Digital Marketing blog

Team – Digital Marketing blog

discover Brandfinity About the team and teamwork   Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”  Michael Jordan What key factors do your results depend on?  There are many different key factors and components that influence the success of...
Digital Marketing – Marketing

Digital Marketing – Marketing

discover Brandfinity Digital Marketing vs Marketing Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing… But What‘s the difference? All roads lead to DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCIES… Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine a proficient business without a solid Marketing Team, or...
meilleur du web

meilleur du web

Winner of  the “meilleur du web” prize in the category Marketing / business efficiency We have been working on the lauch of a new product named IGGI for Laurastar, a handheld steamer. We launched IGGI in 5 countries in Europe, managing all the inbound...