Web-services – Concept Luxe

Web-services – Concept Luxe

web services | e-commerce | website Concept Luxe “Concept Luxe: The Evolution of the Luxury Goods Buying and Selling Platform”. We’re delighted to present the latest evolution of Concept Luxe. About « Concept Luxe » Concept Luxe – is a Swiss...
Addfinity – for restaurant owners

Addfinity – for restaurant owners

e-commerce  | online presence Addfinity project Addfinity project We would like to share with you one of our projects for restaurants and restaurant owners. Over the last few years, COVID has changed the way we run our businesses and live our lives and we have noticed...
Ecommerce website

Ecommerce website

Ecommerce website beammehome.com ecommerce wordpress woocommerce About beammehome.com Beammehome was founded in 2017 as a travel inspired product incorporating maps of famous world capitals. When commissioned, Brandfinity assessed the status of the beammehome brand as...